
point in a long line of case in points I've been experiencing.
2001: the year I graduated high school. The year I left Northwest Community's Student Ministries as a student and then returned to serve there with the newly entering 7th graders. I had a good group of young squirrels, I mean, young men who were placed there by their parents and were given to me (along with different partners throughout the years) to disciple, to teach about Christ's ways through studying Scripture and being a group who cared for one another. There are many stories of these young men I could tell, but I have chosen to begin with this one:
One of those young men was Chris Balogh, age 12 at the time. He was tall for his age but shorter than I (6'2"). Son of a single mother who worked her tail off to love and support her children. Brother of two sisters. He was without a father or really any other consistent older male influence, which is at least one of the reasons his mother wanted him to be a part of this D-Group, as it was called. I had the privilege to get to know and lead that group of boys along with Chris for the following 6-8 years, depending on where the young men chose to go post high school. We had our ups and downs as a group, but the overarching story of this group leads me to believe that staying dedicated to people for a long time is worth the struggle, effort, time, resources, emotions, and study. Chris stayed with me in the D-Group until he graduated high school and then joined me as I taught the college group, KAIO, for a couple years. By that time, Chris was still tall for his age and now many inches taller than I. He is one of the few people in my life who can put me under his arm when we hug.
Chris and I lost contact with each other for a few years after my family left NCC as will happen when people no longer see each other on a regular basis. We got to reconnect here more recently, within the last year or so, when Chris joined Redemption Church Peoria where my family also attends. When I saw him, my heart rejoiced in reconnecting with this brother of mine. His mother, whom I highly respect, also joined him in attending. It has been a blessing to be back in his life even to the small extent that it is. It means a lot to me, and from what he's told me, to him as well.
I had the amazing privilege to witness Chris's wedding last night, age 29 now. He was first married 8 months ago, but he and his bride decided they wanted to have a full ceremony surrounded by family and friends who could witness their commitment to each other before God and hold them accountable in their marriage. Truly, it was an honor to still be considered by this young man valuable enough in his life to be included on the guest list. It was a beautiful ceremony: we all sat in a round, with bridesmaids and groomsmen "filling in the gaps" between the sections of seats which surrounded the small yet wonderfully decorated stage from which they announced their vows to each other. Chris's vows were amazingly insightful as he mentioned that he understood that there were many things he would not be able to commit to because he knew it was not up to Him but to the LORD to work out. He did mention his dedication to her and that he would work hard to honor her and fix what he could. He would remain faithful. As he wept a bit during this proclamation, I found my spirit deeply moved and I joined him in his tears. At the closing of the ceremony we sang praises to God and then had a benediction of submission to God's will and a remembrance of His greatness in which we joined in blessing the newlywed couple. What joy!
During the reception, Chris and his bride, Faith, made their way around the tables to meet with their guests. When Chris got to me, his large hands embraced my shoulders as I was seated and he was behind me. Since he was behind me, he spoke to my ear and told me that he was looking through some old letters from his dad and found some from me, as well. He took a step to my side so I could see him and then told me how much he appreciated me being in his life all these years and for the influence I had with him. I can do nothing but give God the glory for His enduring faithfulness to me which instructs me and stands as example in having faithfulness toward others. I am nothing without Him, and I am thankful that Chris has learned this about himself, as well, as evidenced by his vows to Faith.
I am amazed at what God can do in people and even through them (some times in spite of them) because of His faithfulness to us. This was the story of His chosen people Israel throughout the Old Testament: God called them unto Himself yet they would rush away with whichever idol they found along their way. Over and over you find this story. In Hosea, God gives a real life example of the way He loved His people through Hosea's relationship with his wife, Gomer. Gomer was unfaithful, would sleep around, would stay away. God told Hosea to go get her, to buy her back from the man with whom she was sleeping, to wash her, to love her, to receive her back to himself. This is the picture of what God, who is faithful, does for us, who are unfaithful. We continue to choose to serve and love things other than Him, and yet He alone is worthy. Scripture also says that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it (Ephesians 1:6). Emphasis is on His faithfulness to complete the work in our lives. We do not earn it. We do not add to it. It is all about Him.
In our gratitude for this, we get to love Him and others in return. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Eph 2:10). The Spirit urges us onward: He gives us opportunities to love Him by loving one another. As we were reminded in church this morning, He loved us and gave Himself up for us while we were yet sinners (Rom 5:8). His blood and sacrifice are sufficient. "There is only one God, there is only one Mediator standing between God and man: He's the only way to salvation" (Mediator - Ghost Ship). It is because of Christ I can say that Chris and I have been connected for these 17 years and that we have been blessed to know each other. I am incredibly humbled by God's faithfulness.
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